Increase girth without surgeries, prosthetics, or erectile pumps.
Dr. Eugene Rajaratnam
Urology Physician for Over 30 YearsDr. Eugene Rajaratnam
Dr. Eugene Rajaratnam is a board-certified urologist who has dedicated more than 30 years to his private practice.
Notably, Dr. Eugene Rajaratnam is the esteemed founder of California Wellness Institute.
Providing holistic wellness care
Urology Specialist
Keeping your health optimized at any age.
Urology Care
Treat kidney, prostate, and bladder conditions for more than just symptom relief.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Treatment
Eliminate harmful bacteria in the urinary tract that cause health problems.
Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy (TUMT)
Use microwave energy to shrink enlarged prostate tissue effectively.
Exosome Therapy
Use extracellular vesicles to repair and improve tissue structure and function.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
Heal damaged tissue using your body's own blood platelets.
Organ Detoxification Therapy
Improve your body's organs for better function and health.
Kidney Stones Treatment
Prevent kidney failure by addressing imbalances that hinder kidney functions.
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Therapy
Target damaged or cancerous tissue without harming nearby healthy tissue.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatment
Achieve optimal performance by addressing imbalances obstructing your erection.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Restore hormonal imbalance with your body's identical hormone structure and mechanisms.
Medically Supervised Weight Loss
Achieve a healthy balance through personalized nutrition, detoxification, and exercise routines.
Prosthetic Penile Implant
Restore erectile function and sexual potency by regaining control over your natural structure.
Penile Girth Enlargement
Increase girth to exert sexual prowess and physical attractiveness.
Anti Aging Program
Utilize modern technology and holistic practices to effectively reduce the causes of aging.
Hair Loss Restoration
Naturally restore hair follicle fertility by addressing hormonal imbalances and nutrient delivery.